This past Monday night and Tuesday (16th and 17th) were very bad for me, personally, this week, and I did not attend the regular Board meeting Tuesday night.
Highlights of the meeting shared with me today included:
- recognizing the Superior rating received by our high school band at state competition (woo-hoo!)
- thanking Parents' Club for their generous support throughout the year and for the successful Carnival
- Dawn Solarek nominated Park Elementary in a playground makeover sweepstakes, and the school will receive $15,000 in Sports Authority gift cards
- thanking Mary Ann Fehlen, who was recognized for her 30 years of service and retirement
- thanking Dee Meller, also recognized for her service and retirement
- on non-union employee contracts, approved a freeze on salaries and steps increases for one year
- renewed our contract with Chartwell's for food services
- approved the 5 year forecast as presented, with Treasurer Cheryl Swisher giving an explanation of what it reflects
- approved the Personnel recommendations of the Superintendent
- approved a 1 year lease agreement with the Village for use of the parks for sporting events
- approved an easement with the Village for drainage work to be done by Crestwood School
Those were most of the items covered at the meeting. As I learn more of what was decided that evening, I will share the information here.
And remember: we digitally record all school board meetings so that even if you aren't able to be there during the meeting itself, you can hear it all later at home! The link to our meeting records is available here. Be sure to scroll down the page to the bottom, under 'Podcasts'.