During the Public Relations portion of the meeting, a parent shared his concerns with the Board about the softball program in which his daughter wishes to participate through the newly formed Swanton Rec Program. Others might also have some questions, as many things will be handled differently than past practice under the former program. Please do not hesitate to contact Paulette Baz at the Board Office with your questions on the new policies of the Swanton Rec Program!
During the Treasurer's portion of the meeting, Cheryl Swisher reminded everyone that our financial reports are on the NWOCA website and current as of midnight the night before. If you would like instructions for accessing these reports, please let her know, as she has prepared a sheet to walk you through the process.
We did not discuss the 5 year forecast, as we are going to have a special meeting on that subject.
The Superintendent's portion of the meeting included certificated teacher contracts, classified contracts, and non-renewals. There were several pages of names involved in these categories. One person whose contract was up for non-renewal was present at the meeting and requested to address the Board. She read a prepared statement. (we were not given a copy)
Under New Business, the Board accepted several donations to the various media centers, and approved the 2009-10 Athletic Handbook. Athletic pass fees were also approved, as well as the Middle School Cedar Point Trip.
The Village had delivered a proposed lease agreement via Administrator Gochenour the prior Wednesday. We had asked our attorney to look it over, and Paulette said she was convening a meeting of the Superintendent's Committee on Rec to discuss it. Therefore we took no action on the proposed lease that evening.
Beginning this meeting at 6:30 helped make possible a finish at 10:15 - even with two executive sessions thrown into the mix. Personally, I would rather have this early start time for every meeting, if it means we will be able to get business done and get home at a decent time

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