Friday, January 8, 2010

December 2009

I had my parents up from Florida over the holidays, and I got behind on several things as a result. To keep you up to date, below is a summary of our December school board meeting that was prepared by Paulette Baz, Superintendent.

In an effort to inform the staff of board of education meetings, I am sending you this update from the December BOE meeting that took place Tuesday, December 17th at 7 PM at the board office.

During the public participation portion of the meeting, a community member spoke about Earth Day and the Citizens Action Network and another community member thanked the 3 board members who will complete their service on 12/31.

The board approved the minutes from the November 17 and 24, 2009 meetings, the financial reports and investments, transfers/advances, and the revised Budget and Objectives from the HS NHS. The BOE approved the appropriation resolution and amended certificate and the 5/3 depository agreement.

During the reports/recommendations of the Superintendent, the board approved the personnel recommendations of the superintendent.

Under new business, the board set the date for the organizational meeting and appointed Mona Dyke President Pro-tem for the organizational meeting. The board also approved the OSBA annual membership dues, and subscriptions. The board also set the pay for the new board members (1/2 of the state rate which is currently $125).

During the comments/statements from the board members section, Mona and Cindy thanked Dennis, Jeff and Mike for their service. Mona and Jeff also had additional comments.

Executive session was held for Employee Employment and Negotiations. No action was taken after executive session.

On 1/5/2010, a special board meeting will be held for the organizational meeting followed by a special meeting---tour/presentation at each building. The January regular board meeting will be on 1/12/10.

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