Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Local Boy Makes Good

If you get the Swanton Enterprise, you already know the outcome of our special board meeting last night where we voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Ben Ohlemacher as Middle School principal and head football coach, and hired Ted Haselman as our new Middle School principal. 

If you are among those who do not get the Enterprise, you still know the news!

Mr. Haselman grew up in Swanton, and built a new house here a few years ago.  His children are in the Swanton school system.  He had been employed in the Perrysburg school district and now will be bringing his experience and talents to the Swanton Middle School. 

At last night's special meeting, we also hired an interim head football coach (Shawn Kinnee) and a part-time fiscal secretary (Brooke Butler). 

Some shuffling of teachers' positions at the Middle School was done a bit earlier, and we're now ready for a new school year!

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